
Discrete Manufacturing ERP Selection Checklist 2020

The best manufacturers are constantly innovating. If your business is looking to take advantage of the latest capabilities offered by today’s best ERP systems, this guide is for you. Discover the most impactful ERP features sought by modern manufacturing operations and get an analyst-vetted selection checklist for your ERP evaluation and comparison.

As a division of SelectHub, RequirementsHQ leverages SelectHub’s proprietary technology selection management (TSM) platform to offer analyst-vetted requirements templates, proprietary tools and flexible, high-value selection services based on defined deliverables.

This checklist provides:

  • Difference between process vs. discrete ERP
  • Must-have ERP capabilities for manufacturers
  • ERP Selection Requirements Checklist
  • Top 8 manufacturing ERP systems compared
  • Expert recommendations and pricing

Want help with your shortlist? Connect with RequirementsHQ to expedite your software search with free recommendations and pricing based on expert software evaluations from SelectHub and inside pricing knowledge.

Take the stress out of your software acquisitions: With detailed evaluations for over 200 ERP systems, our data-driven approach simplifies complex software decisions so you can make smarter choices at any stage of your buying cycle.

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