
How Do You React to Failure?

Failing should be viewed as a hurdle rather than a roadblock.

Failing one time – or even several times – doesn’t make you a failure any more than losing one game makes you a loser. It can be a great teacher, make you stronger, and keep you grounded, or it can be the cause of your demise. The difference between a stepping-stone and a stumbling block is the way in which you approach it.

Failure can be viewed as a challenge to be overcome, a test to defy your will, and in the end, a learning opportunity. For others, it is viewed negatively as an opportunity to feel sorry and complain, a reason to belittle oneself, and an excuse to give up too quickly. It’s your choice. Your view of failure determines your reality.

Utilize this cheat sheet as a consistent reminder to see failure in a way that will propel you forward.

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